"service": 1,
"name": "YouTube Livestream Viewers ",
"rate": "0.33000000",
"min": 1000,
"max": 200000,
"category": "Live Stream [ Low ConCurrent | Less Price ] [ 30 Minutes to 24 Hours]"
"service": 2,
"name": "YouTube Livestream Viewers ~ ",
"rate": "2.10000000",
"min": 1000,
"max": 200000,
"category": "Live Stream [ Low ConCurrent | Less Price ] [ 30 Minutes to 24 Hours]"
{"error" : "The action field is required"}
{"error" : "The api key field is required"}
{"error" : "Invalid api key"}
{"error" : "Invalid action"}
"order": 1242
{"error" : "The action field is required"}
{"error" : "The api key field is required"}
{"error" : "Invalid api key"}
{"error" : "Invalid Service Id"}
{"error" : "The link field is required"}
{"error" : "The quantity field is required"}
{"error" : "Please follow the limit"}
{"error" : "Insufficient balance"}
"status" : "Pending",
"start_count" : "1000",
"remains" : "500",
"currency" : USD
{"error" : "The action field is required"}
{"error" : "The api key field is required"}
{"error" : "Invalid api key"}
{"error" : "Invalid action"}
{"error" : "The order field is required"}
{"error" : "Invalid Order Id"}
"success": "Your order will be refill asap. Thank you for patience",
"refill": 12345
{"error" : "Order not eligible for refill"}
"status": "Completed"
"status": "100.84292",
"currency" :" USD"
{"error" : "The action field is required"}
{"error" : "The api key field is required"}
{"error" : "Invalid api key"}